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Having trained with many martial artists over the years, I have never been asked Is my Martial arts a hobby for me, or is it a way of life? 

First, I should define a Hobby. “An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.” Leisure and pleasure ” are the keywords here. On the other hand 

Martial art Is a Way of Life. More than sport, fighting, or self-defense, martial arts are first and foremost about life. About finding what is at the essence of your own being and expressing that essence. Bruce Lee once said. “To be a martial artist means to be an artist of life.” 

A martial arts practitioner is challenged mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This leaves him with a profound sense of belief in himself. 

A martial artists training session Is about character building. Learning to be patient, admitting defeat, and doing it all over again isn’t easy, but that’s what martial arts training is all about. 

Martial artists understand that training without reflecting on what they’ve learned won’t get them anywhere. They’ll be stuck where they are for a very long time, unable to level up—leaving many to complacency. A martial arts teacher understands that hard work is a must, especially if they want to level up. They know that they have to go above and beyond what is required of a student by taking notes, drilling after class—and sparring with advanced students to become a better martial artist. 

This dedication transfers well into one’s daily life. A good work ethic will take you places, giving you a stronger sense of self and a more profound belief in your abilities. 

Just like martial arts, life is also full of surprises. One day you could be at the top of the world, and the next, you could be at the bottom. Martial arts teaches you to be OK with it and just embrace it. Everything is a learning experience that will make you a better person in the end. 

Martial arts teaches you to reconsider your priorities by aligning them with your martial arts goals. You can’t level up if you don’t try to maintain a healthy diet that includes strength and conditioning to your workout. 

A person doesn’t have to be at the peak of fitness to practice the martial arts, and it will undoubtedly encourage you to take care of yourself. If you eat unhealthily, you know it could take a toll on your training. If you don’t sleep well, you’ll feel lethargic the rest of the day. 

To sum up. Martial arts is a lifelong journey toward self-improvement of mind, body, and soul. The practitioner will be challenged mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the end, martial arts will leave you with a profound sense of belief in yourself. 

If anyone asks you why you practice martial arts just tell them. 



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“To be open-minded is to be knowledgeable in what you seek. ” 

If anyone has a specific question you would like me to expound on, please let me know by email. Only through communication can we learn about each other and life. 

I want to wish everyone a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving. 

Roy D. Davis III “Kaicho” 


NKJU ® National Karate Jiu-Jitsu Union and National Karate jiu-jitsu Union Int. 2691 Worth County Line Road Albany, Georgia 31705 

Oct/Nov. 2021 NKJU® Bulletin 

NKJU ® & NKJUI® is a USPTO registered trademark owned by Roy D. Davis III. Any use of this name by any person, organization, company, or association with the marketing or sale of any products and services without the owner’s permission violates the US Trade Mark Act. 

All NKJU® & NKJUI® Bulletins are under Copyright and shall not be altered from their original form without the written permission from Kaicho Davis. 

Kaicho Roy Davis III