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I hope everyone had a safe Memorial Day and remembered those that gave the ultimate sacrifice and those that are serving to protect our freedom. I had two uncles that served during the Vietnam campaign. One was in the 101st Airborne Division, and the other was a medic. Both gave their lives for what they believed in. I have both their flags and my dad’s who was in WW2. I did my time, and in a lot of ways, I wished that I had stayed and retired, but it was not to be. To all that served. “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.” 

There are many reasons why the martial arts do not have the following and the respect it once had. Commercialization /online martial arts training and complacency, in my opinion, are a couple of the biggest reasons why martial arts is becoming a joke. I have no problem with online videos that are used to be informative. “Imparting knowledge/instructive.” They can be an asset if properly used. 

Martial art used for an advertisement to entice the uninformed, that they can become ranked and certified martial artists by joining their online training program is where I draw the line. This is also true about schools that have become commercialized. Commercialization has turned martial arts from a way of life into a business. Marketing is defined as “The process of managing or running something principally for financial gain.” If schools continue to be commercialized, over time the term karate-do and karate-Jutsu will be a thing of the past. 

We all know that it takes money to run any enterprise, whether it be a household or a dojo, but when you sacrifice proper training for financial gain, then the whole concept of martial art will be lost. I like to believe there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Morals, integrity, and honesty should be at the forefront. Instructors who do not hold to these truths but rather feed their ego is one reason the martial arts does not have the meaning it once had. 

Many use online training and commercialization as a way of targeting uniformed, naive, and ignorant people, and let’s not forget those who can’t take it in a real martial arts school. Before someone jumps my case on using the word ignorant, let me define it. Ignorant is “The lack of knowledge, information, or awareness in general.” 

I had much rather be called ignorant than stupid. 

For those who are genuinely interested in learning, the martial arts you should do your research, and learn to ask the right questions. Find schools close to you, talk to the students, and then the instructor. “Some instructors will feed you a lot of hype.” Why? For your money! Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware. Research what to look for in choosing a Martial Arts School. In one of my previous bulletins, I went into some of the questions you should ask before joining a school or organization. Remember, ”You don’t know what you don’t know.” If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Use common sense; an excellent instructor will tell you what you don’t want to hear, not what you want to hear. So if you feel you’re being buttered up. Move on. Most of these instructors are a bunch of wanna-bees who found it more profitable to be charlatans. Try challenging one, and you will find they have more excuses than Carter got liver pills. 

The point I am trying to make in this bulletin, and some of my prior bulletins is what I feel is a virus that is attacking the credibility of martial arts and the very foundation of what the martial arts stands for. We all need to stand up for what is right. No one can argue with the truth. We will never defeat ego and narcissism in the martial arts. We can only make existing practitioners and those who plan to join a martial art program aware of the pitfalls. 

For you older martial art students you might want to review your own training and see if its living up to all that you were led it was to be, and those that plan to join a martial arts class. I can’t say this enough, Research, Research. 

Many can practice the martial arts; few will ever truly learn the martial arts. Think about that statement for a moment and ask yourself why? I would like to hear your comments. 

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Sense this bulletin is coming out a little later than I would like I want to go ahead and wish all you fathers a very Happy Fathers Day. 

Remember, knowledge is power, and power channeled in the right direction can move mountains. 

Kaicho Davis 


 NKJU ® National Karate Jiu-Jitsu Union and the NKJUI® 2691 Worth County Line Road Albany, Georgia 31705 

May 2020 NKJU® Bulletin 

NKJU ® & NKJUI® is a USPTO registered trademark owned by Roy D. Davis III. Any use of this name by any person, organization, company, or in association with the marketing or sale of any products and services without the owner’s permission violates the US Trade Mark Act. 

All NKJU® & NKJUI® Bulletins are under Copyright and shall not be altered from its original form without the written permission of Kaicho Davis. 

Kaicho Roy Davis III